Las Vegas Nevada Horse Property – Acreage

Sky Ranch Estates – Features 33 homes surrounding 5 acres of common area. Horses are stalled in the rear of each home with direct access to the common area facilities.
Horse properties for sale – Property search
Las Vegas Equestrian – Horse Communities
Information on the 4 communities in this area that feature equestrian facilities.
Horse Zoned Properties
Properties that are zoned for horses, but do not necessarily have horse facilities.
Below is a showcase of some of the currently listed horse properties in The Las Vegas area. This information is updated every 24 hours.
There are Las Vegas, Nevada horse property on acreage throughout the Las Vegas Valley. I have owned such properties myself and am well aware that evaluating a property of this type for purchase, or sale, is more difficult and complicated than the purchase or sale of a conventional home. Understanding that horse property is scattered throughout the valley, there are areas where these properties predominate. Each is somewhat unique. What follows is my attempt to categorize this type of property by area. These categorizations are somewhat arbitrary and oversimplified, but I believe they may be helpful. It is hard to find horse property inside the valley that has not been intruded on to some extent by conventional housing developments. The cost of raw land has also impacted horse properties. They are of course still available, but prices have gone up substantially particularly since 2004. There are two true horse communities in this area as defined by having homes plus common area facilities for the horses. They would be Sierra Vista Ranchos, a guard-gated community in the southeast, and Sky Ranch. Sky Ranch (see above photo) is located in the central area.
Just over 1/2 of all Las Vegas Nevada horse property, listed for sale in the valley over the last several years have been the the northwest quadrant of the Valley. If you drew a line west from Las Vegas Blvd. and north from Charleston, over 1/2 of all horse properties would be north and west from that point.
One concern that out-of-state buyers have had, especially lately is the lack of boarding facilities in this area. Many of these facilities have closed recently. The land prices have escalated to the point that it is difficult for them to justify not selling their land for development.
There is one public horse facility in this area and that is open and operational and that is Horseman’s Park which is just south and east of Flamingo and Boulder Highway. There is another planned in the far northwest, the Northwest Equestrian Park.
Blue Diamond Rd.– Blue Diamond Rd. intersects Interstate 15 in the southern part of Las Vegas. Commencing somewhat east of I15 and running west, on both sides of Blue Diamond, are many horse properties and homes on acreage. On the west side of I15, these properties extend to the foothills. There are some homes built on 1/2 acre lots, however, most properties in this area are 1 acre or more. Housing developments are encroaching from the north, but some of this area seems fairly well protected given the zoning and relative density of housing. The builders have has a great impact on this area with multiple subdivisions and the planned communities of Southern Highlands and Mountain’s Edge.
The Northwest – West of Rampart, on both sides of Lone Mt. Rd. is another wonderful horse property area. Horse properties extend from here to Ann Rd. and beyond. Many of these properties have city views. Some properties seem fairly well protected from encroaching development but most are now suffering from builders developing extensively in this area.. South and east from here in the Craig Rd. area are a number of horse properties. Here they are often also interspersed with and closer to conventional developments.
Far North/East of I95 – Lots of acreage, horse properties out here. Also lots of encroaching development in this area. You need to be careful in your selection if you don’t want to eventually be across the street from a subdivision. Some of the larger acreage properties are in this area.
The Northeast – West of Nellis Blvd. and north of Charleston is another area for Las Vegas, Nevada horse property. This area is not large and is often overlooked. It has the advantage of being close-in and many of these properties have a wonderful view of the strip. Homes here are, for the most part, somewhat older and the neighborhoods to the west are older also.
Far Southeast – There is an area in the far southeast, east of Boulder Highway and off of RaceTrack Rd that has many properties horse-zoned. Next to the northeast, this is probably the least expensive option for horse and horse-zoned properties