Another Las Vegas area golf course potentially closing

Published On: August 7, 2016 Posted by: Millie Fine
Another golf course potential closing affecting nearby homes.
Looks like the Badlands golf course may be closing down. The full extent of how this will affect properties adjacent to the course or those homes who’s views are affected is at yet unknown to me. Residents of Queensridge are understandably concerned. What limited information I have at this point is that the eastern most area of the present golf course will be developed for homes.
This is the third example I can think of where something similar has come to pass or looks like it will. Two golf courses at Stallion Mt. closed a number of years ago and that land was subsequently used for construction of new homes. Silverstone Ranch golf course has been closed for several months now with the present new owner pressing to build on the original golf course.
Homeowners who purchased, for example, adjacent to these courses probably reasonably assumed that if the land the golf courses were on was zoned for other than commercial or homes they were relatively safe. They really were not and are not.
Using a hypothetical example, assume that you own one of these courses. What if you cannot even generate enough income to cover the expense of keeping the course open? Will the court demand that you continue to operate and continue to lose money? Will they contend that the interests of the potentially damaged homeowners will supersede those of the golf course owner and order to owner to keep the course maintained indefinitely either open of unopened? Eventually, I think not.
Of course, sometime political clout trumps everything, but if the homeowners in the somewhat ritzy Peccole Ranch and the owners at One Queensridge Place, one of the priciest high-rise developments in this area don’t carry the clout, who does?
Just a word of warning. I do not think that there are many golf course communities in this area where the homeowners are safe from this eventuality. Buyer beware!!